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Video Recording Equipment

* All equipment were purchased with my own resources; I DO NOT sell products for TCI, books, as well as I DO NOT accept donations or sponsorship from companies to conduct the research. The images of the equipment shown on this page are intended only to inform those interested in researching TCI which equipment I use in my research.

It is not necessary to use the same equipment as ours, use the ones you have.

Communications depend very much on our personal attitude, on how we conduct our lives and relationships, intent, our character and our equilibrium, This will create the right tune with the communicators of the other dimension and depends on them to want or not to make contacts.

To the researchers, I recommend above all, patience and persistence in contacts and methods.

Good contacts!


Laboratory 2019

TVSansung - Version 2.jpeg
TVInsignia - Version 3.jpeg
TV Tubo- Version 2.jpeg

 TVs LED and Tube

Video Loop Feedback Camcorders

Camera Video3.JPG
Camera Video2.JPG
Camera Video1.JPG

Camcorders connected to the TVs that I use to do the Video Loop Feedback and Cross-Video Loop Feedback (link to the explanation of the methods). 

 Camcorders used for recording - Infrared and Night Vision

Infrared and full spectrum cameras1.jpeg
Infrared and full spectrum cameras3.jpeg
Infrared and full spectrum cameras2.jpeg
Infrared and full spectrum cameras4.jpeg

Photo Cameras used to record images 


In order to achieve better results, I am always experimenting with possible variations of the same technique using different equipment.

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